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Alocasia amazonica 'Polly' is a compact houseplant from the elephant ear family, known for its distinctive glossy leaves that conjure up images of an Amazonian jungle—despite not being from the Amazon (or any jungle, for that matter). Also known as the African mask plant, it's the most popular Alocasia grown indoors.



  • First Time Plant Parents
  • Unique Plant Gifts
  • Housewarming



  • India, Southeast Asia, Southern China, and the Southern Pacific islands



  • Medium indirect light to bright indirect light
  • No harsh direct sun-can scorch their leaves



  • Once a week.
  • Mist frequently.
  • Keep soil moist but not wet.



  • These plants prefer 60-75% humidity!



  • Alocasia plants make stunning houseplants, but they can be harmful if the plant material is chewed on or swallowed. These plants contain oxalate crystals that can cause mouth pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. They should be kept away from children and pets.



4" Alocasia Polly

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