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Also known as string of beads, string of peas, rosary vine!

This plant is in the Asteraceae family!

They are succulents. 


This plant is shipped in a 3-4" nursery pot.



String of pearls plants thrive on a combination of direct and indirect sunlight, totaling between six and eight hours a day. They're best when kept in direct sunlight during the softer morning hours, then moved to a spot that gets diffused, indirect light, or partial shade during the harsher afternoon hours.


This is a very easy plant to propagate.



If you worry that you can’t water your plant on time, well, this drought-tolerant string succulent can go without water for long periods! Yes. In addition, the plant’s ability to store water allows it to be watered intensively one week and then almost wholly neglected the next week or two. These plants prefer to be watered from the bottom, they dont love water getting on their tiny "strings".


Throughout the spring and summer growing seasons, keep the plant’s soil mildly moist. Then, reduce water during the winter months.


Note: If you see that the spherical leaves of this succulent are flattening down, this is a sign that it needs more water. You’ll also need to water your indoor pearls plant more frequently if it’s in terra cotta or clay pots. Just make sure it’s a well-draining pot.



4" String of Pearls

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